
Download all Integration Eye™ software components.

Logging Hub

Logging Hub is part of Integration Eye™ on-prem (or private cloud) and Integration Eye™ on-demand (SaaS) versions. Downloadable version of Logging Hub is designed for fast commissioning of on-prem logging. It receives data from Logging Probes or via REST API and includes a Demo license (which you can replace with another one at any time). Logging Hub contains instance of the Logging Module, so it is possible to store the logs to files or to Elastic (or use another build-in connector of the Logging Module). The following is a short procedure how to start and test the basic functionality of the Logging Hub; see the documentation for more information on settings and features.

Application Latest version
Logging Hub 1.7.0-update-1 DocumentationDownload

Vagrant and Docker versions are set up for logging data / events to file and simultaneously to Elastic and displaying them in Kibana.

  • 1

    Download Logging Hub

    Use the link above to download the preferred version. The zip version contains built-in Java JRE, which is required to run the Logging Hub (in the zip version, the incoming data are logged only to a file). The Vagrant and Docker versions contain a virtual machine with all settings, so you can try full Logging Hub functionality (in these versions, the incoming data are logged to a file and Elastic and can be visualized in pre-installed Kibana).

  • 2

    Start the Logging Hub

    Zip version

    Unzip the downloaded file to any directory. From the application directory /logging-hub-[version]/bin/, start the Logging Hub with the command logging-hub.bat on Windows or ./logging-hub on Linux and MacOS. If the application starts correctly, you will see the * logging-hub-[version]-mule-application * default * DEPLOYED * line in the terminal or console. You are now ready to send your first log data and events to the Logging Hub!

    Vagrant version

    Start the application with the vagrant up command. During the first start, the Vagrant box from our Vagrant catalog might be downloaded, and this operation may take a while. Once Vagrant starts the virtual machine, you are ready to send your first log data and events to the Logging Hub! The Vagrant version includes the installation of the Logging Hub on Linux with a connection to Elastic and Kibana. See the Vagrant documentation for more information on this type of virtualization.

    Docker version

    Start the application with the docker run -d --net="host" --name logging-hub command. Once Docker starts the virtual machine, you are ready to send your first log data and events to the Logging Hub! The Docker version includes the installation of the Logging Hub on Linux with a connection to Elastic and Kibana. See the Docker documentation for more information on this type of virtualization.

  • 3

    Send your first logs / events

    The easiest way to try logging is to use the Logging Hub REST API to store data, e.g., using curl. The same APIs are used by individual Logging Probes.

    curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8081/logging-hub-api/store-log-data' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
       "@stackTrace":"Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NullPointerException\r at com.example.myproject.Bootstrap.main(",
       "@logPoint":"somewhere in the code it happened",
       "@messageText":"Test log message",
       "@principal":"John Doe"

    The call example is simplified and does not contain all applicable call parameters. For example, it is possible to use the @extraData attribute to send any data (a map of key:value pairs) to the Logging Hub (these are then automatically propagated to Elastic or other system), @applicationName, @serverName and @serverIp; Logging Hub REST API can be secured using Basic Authorization, etc. All setting options and API attributes are described in the documentation.
    However, if you want to log directly from your applications, then it is better to use the Logging Probes system. This way, you won't have to know the Logging Hub REST API, and you won't have any problem upgrading to newer versions and modifying direct calls of this API.

  • 4

    Check the logging results

    All versions of the Logging Hub available for downloading offer logging to a file located in /logging-hub-[version]/logs/logging-hub-probes-data.log. If the API call from the previous step was successful, you should see the following record in this file.

    2021-05-10 14:30:00.000+02:00 [java] ERROR - {"@timestamp":1589992200000,"@probeType":"java","@exception":"java.lang.NullPointerException","@rootException":null,"@stackTrace":"Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NullPointerException\r at com.example.myproject.Bootstrap.main(","@logPoint":"somewhere in the code it happened","@messageType":"error","@logLevel":"error","@messageText":"Test log message","@principal":"John Doe"}
    Vagrant and Docker versions

    In these versions, in addition to the log file logging-hub-probes-data.log, it is also possible to see the logged records in Elastic and Kibana (note that thanks to the built-in Logging Module, the Logging Hub can save one log event to multiple configured destinations at the same time). Elastic runs on http://localhost:9200/, and you can log in to Kibana via http://localhost:5601/. Use the link below to go directly to the Kibana dashboard.


    Visit Observability/Logs page in Kibana to see raw data logged using the Logging Hub (keep in mind that with @extraData attribute, you can log any map of key:value pairs). Use the link below to go directly to the Observability/Logs page.

  • 5

    Next steps

    Connect Logging Probes

    Log anything you need directly from your applications. Download the Logging Probe according to the programming language used in your application and send the data to the Logging Hub. For code examples, settings, and other information, see the documentation for each Logging Probe.

    Create your own dashboards in Kibana

    Add your own dashboards and charts to enrich our demo in Kibana. See the online demo to find out what data can be collected using the Logging Hub. Point your on-prem Logging Hub to another Kibana and Elastic installation, or use a different connector from the Logging Module and send logs and events to completely different systems.

    Learn more about Logging Hub and Logging Module

    Learn what the Logging Hub and Logging Module can do, what their configuration options are, and how to best use them. For more information, see the documentation or FAQ. Feel free to ask us anything, we are here to help you!

    Log everything possible!

    This is not just a phrase; you can really log everything possible. A large amount of logs will help you detect errors and problems in applications, infrastructure, and it will inform you preventively about an emerging problem before your customer or user reports it.

Free production licenses?

If you don't want to be limited by the low number of Demo license calls (the application should be restarted after 50 calls) and the inability to use it in a production environment, register to get a Start-up license for free! It will be in your mailbox in a few minutes, and you can start using Integration Eye™ modules and Logging Hub with on-prem (or private cloud) deployment.

Logging Probes

Logging Probes are pre-built libraries for various languages (Java, Javascript, Ruby, etc.), which you use directly in your application. By calling the library method, you can log any event to Logging Hub (running on-prem or on-demand). See documentation for an overview of usage, setting options, and description of the Logging Probes.

Probe language Latest version
Java 1.0.6 DocumentationDownload
Scala 1.0.6 DocumentationDownload
JRuby 1.0.6 DocumentationDownload
PHP 1.0.0 DocumentationDownload

Logging Probes for other languages are being developed. Please, stay tuned.

Product modules

Download the latest versions of the Integration Eye™ standalone modules. To find out how to update modules, see the FAQ section and documentation. The documentation contains ready-to-download samples (showcases), which you can expand and modify as you wish after downloading. Logging Module is available within the Logging Hub application; if you want to quickly start logging your applications, services or APIs, Logging Hub is the best choice!

Module name Latest version
Proxy Module 2.8.1 DocumentationDownload
Logging Module 1.7.0 DocumentationDownload
Security Module 2.15.2 DocumentationDownload
jar file MD5 hash zip file MD5 hash

Ensure that the MD5 checksum of the downloaded jar file matches the value specified for the module, e.g. using the md5sum command.

Start-up license

The Start-up license is free. You just need to register using the following form, and the license (1x production and 3x non-production) will be sent to you by email. The license is limited to a maximum of 2,000 calls after which the application must be restarted. However, it is the only limitation, and you can use all the features of any Integration Eye™ module or Logging Hub. It's easy, just try it!

By clicking the [Register now] button you agree to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Proxy Module

Primarily serves to streamline calls and integrations. Proxy Module can enrich individual calls with features like additional headers or mutual SSL with automatic certificate selection.

More details

Logging Module

Asynchronously write all important information about the status of service calls (you choose what is important through configuration). Monitor HTTP return codes of services, call times, etc.

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Security Module

Can ensure security for all calls, including (legacy) services which don't have any security implemented. It is also possible to improve the security using one time SMS codes (OTP), etc.

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